
擅自拘留, 任意扣押的英文

  • arbitrary detention
  • 擅自:    do sth. without authorizatio ...
  • 拘留:    detain; hold in custody
  • 任意:    wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfu ...
  • 扣押:    detain; seize; hold in custo ...
  • 拘留,扣押:    take into custody; detain
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        擅自:    do sth. without authorizatio ...
        拘留:    detain; hold in custody
        任意:    wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfu ...
        扣押:    detain; seize; hold in custo ...
        拘留,扣押:    take into custody; detain
        擅自:    do sth. without authorization; take the liberty; arbitrarily 擅自逮捕 make unwarranted arrest; 擅自决定 make arbitrary decisions; 擅自离去 leave without notice; 擅自动用 take the liberty of using sth.; 擅自提[抬]价 arbitrary price increases; raise prices without authorization; 擅自行动 take presumptuous action on one's own; act presumptuously; 擅自作主 act arbitrarily [without authority]; take an unauthorized action; 不得擅自修改。 no unauthorized changes be made. 你不在时, 她擅自用你的打字机。 she took the liberty of using your typewriter while you were away
        拘留:    detain; hold in custody; intern; detention; provisional apprehension 青少年犯罪的临时拘留所 detention home; 被拘留者 detainee; internee; 警方拘留了盗窃嫌疑犯以作进一步审问。 the police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.; 拘留查讯 detention for questioning; 拘留处罚 punishment of detention; 拘留点 settlement; 拘留方式 form of detention; 拘留国 detaining power; 拘留令 order of detention; 拘留期间 duration of detention; 拘留权 right of detention; 拘留所 bridewell; house of detention; lockup; 拘留债务人 arrest of debtor; 拘留者 detainer
        继续拘留的令状, 因另案继续扣押令:    writ of detainer
        扣押:    1.(扣留) detain; seize; hold in custody 扣押那个公司的财产 detain [attach] the properties of that company; 扣押在城堡里做人质的人 a person detained as hostage in the castle2.[法律] distrain; detention; levy on; 扣押财产 seizure of assets; 扣押财物 distraint; seizure of property; attachment; 扣押船舶 seizure of the ship; 扣押令 distress warrant
        联合国任意拘留问题工作组:    united nations working group on arbitrary detention
        任意:    wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; just as one wishes; at will 任意捏造事实 indulge in pure fabrication; 任意摆布 order sb. about at will; get sb. by the short hairs; have sb. under one's thumb; turn [twist; wind; wrap] sb. round one's little finger; 任意诬蔑 wantonly vilify; 任意编造 arbitrarily invent; 任意歪曲历史 wilful distortion of history; 任意打击 wilfully attack; attack others as one pleases; 任意欺侮 bully others at will; 任意通行 free traffic; 任意涨价 raise prices arbitrarily; 任意常数 [数学] arbitrary constant; 任意单位 arbitrary unit; 任意港 optional port; 任意加税 slap additional taxes on; 任意条款 optional clause; permissive provision; 任意型号 disposable type; 任意仲裁 voluntary arbitration
        私自, 擅自:    without authorization
        扣押 扣押财物:    distraint
        被拘留:    in custody; to be detained; to become a detainee
        逮捕,拘留:    arrest
        监禁,拘留:    confinement
        拘留,禁锢:    jail
        拘留,扣留:    detain
        拘留,留置:    detention
        拘留,阻拦:    detain
        拘留;囚禁:    confinement
        拘留;阻住:    detain
        拘留点:    settlement
        拘留佛:    kakusandha
        拘留国:    country of internment


  1. "擅自加价"英文
  2. "擅自进入"英文
  3. "擅自进入者"英文
  4. "擅自进行煤炭生产的"英文
  5. "擅自经营精神药品的"英文
  6. "擅自居住,擅自占地"英文
  7. "擅自决定"英文
  8. "擅自离场"英文
  9. "擅自离去"英文
  10. "擅自离去, 不告而别"英文


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